Entering the water directly from the shore and starting to dive with scuba, free diving or snorkelling, the diver will follow the rope on the bottom which will lead her/him through the different stops where the reperts have been placed. With the underwater communication device, thank to the full-face mask used by the guide, divers will be kept posted about the information about the reperts through sight or touch. The dive will long for about twenty minutes, not deeper than twelve meters (thirty-five fsw) and the divers will be get information on the singular reperts but also on benthonic and pelagic peculiarity in the area. The surfacing will be made following the bathymetric levels up to the surface. In the starting point, a buoy is placed permanently while four buoys that delimit the reserved area signal the whole area.
We wanted to list some rules in order to avoid actions and activities which are not aligned with the project itself:
What the Third Sector (Volunteering) has made possible, will prove once again the communication, practice and visionary skills owned by a team of sea lovers, who liked to made visible the direct contribution this sector – often not even taken in consideration – can effectively provide to community, even with limited resources. Local entities and authorities, once again proved their weak link with reality grasp, together with a little tourism sensibility.
We can’t keep feeding the well-known individual, bound to obscure systems, little productive if not at all; we can’t keep standing still and wait, this city needs to grow, develop and eventually take off. Misused words in the room of Politic, but if Politic itself will not put in place constructive and balanced choices, Reggio Calabria will keep being the city it is nowadays: the city of Hope
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